Sunday, December 14, 2008

I'm Ready, Bring It On!

Okay, it's like this. I want to be ready for Christmas early (what is early? By December 1 if possible.) This year I've done pretty well, just a couple of things to tidy up by yesterday which I did. The reason I like being done early (although if you talk to people that's everyone's wish), is so I can enjoy the bustle of the season and not stand in line at a checkout unless I really want to. So at least these last 10 days(OMG is it really coming that fast?), I'm in the comfort zone.

But here's my dilemma, and I know I'm not alone. I continue to buy. I feel like the character in the comic strip "Cathy" who is buying for people she doesn't usually give to because she's found the perfect gift. Now I don't add people to my list, and even though I've found them a gift I think they'll at the very least "like", when I see another perfect gift? I buy it. I don't buy beyond my means, but I sure do push the envelope at Christmas.

I so like giving much more than receiving. I don't care if I get a gift, I just like watching others get delight out of the ones they've received. That's my favourite part! I have to remind myself that others like to watch me open their gift because I know they want to be there for my reaction too.

The thing is the older I get, the more I like giving rather than receiving. My office colleagues and I decided not to draw names this year. We went to the community kitchen to help prepare and serve the supper. While stressful in watching the numbers who have to rely on this service, not one single person who came through the line failed to smile and say thank you. Not one. It did my heart good.

There truly is nothing better in this world than giving. The feeling you get in return is the best present. Merry Christmas everyone.

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