Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009 Here We Come!

My daughter has challenged everyone to a self-improvement list for 2009. I'm not going to begin with my weight because that is a given and a necessity if I am to maintian my health. SO, here goes...

Paint again... I took a class and then put down my brush (not related actions mind you, but I've done nothing much creative). And knit and crochet... Self-improvement result? Anything that takes creativity challenges the soul.

Put enthusiasm in my job... I've let a lot of negativity get in my way and I need to get back to the positives. Self-improvement result? More satisfaction and happier days.

Clean out the clutter in my life (most of it paper). Self-improvement result? Makes life easier and of course, less cluttered.

Continue my efforts to help move the FSPCA forward in its 95th year. Stay tuned for some big activities. Self-improvement result? Nothing makes you feel better than giving of yourself. I hope others will be so inspired.

That's it for now but I'll be back.

Happy New Year's Eve!

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