Wednesday, February 18, 2009

GPS Madie-Style

While we're often reminded that kids are sponges when it comes to taking in the world around them, our granddaughter reminded us of how entertaining it can be. Grampy took his oldest and youngest girls (me and Madie) out for a Valentine supper last Saturday. They decided that William's Seafood was a great place to celebrate and we enjoyed the meal together. Then on the way home, Madie tells Grampy that she will be his personal GPS to get us home. We totally cracked up when she started with the same broken monotone as the "real" voice on that little screen on the dashboard. It was TOO perfect! She successfully navigated us across the bridge and to her house to let her dog Tanner out for Mummy who was in Moncton for the UNB hockey game.

Afterward, we rounded the corner to our street, and Madie picks up the GPS voice, "turn right and go straight, you have reached your destination!" As Grampy backed the truck up into the driveway, he made a smart comment about her performance. Her reply? Of course in her best GPS-lady voice, "I - think - you - are - jealous - of - the - little - GPS - locator!"

Maybe not jealous, Madie, but certainly entertained!

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